Tuesday, July 21, 2009


We received our official letter of approval today!!!! We can now officially call her our daughter! Now we wait for travel approval. We are estimating travel to be end of August or beginning of September. This is happening much quicker than we anticipated! We have nothing ready. We have a crib and carseat and that's about it. We had better get a move on pronto!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Care Package

Not a whole lot to report lately. Still playing the waiting game. I ordered a care package last week, which consists of a stuffed panda bear, candy for the kids & orphanage staff, and a disposable camera for the nannies to take pictures of Allison. We also hope to get updated digital photos and updated measurements, as the original photos & measurements we received were dated March of 2009. We can only hope the orphanage staff is cooperative in getting us the info we so desperately want. I'm already thinking about what to send next! Probably a family photo album so that she can get used to our faces.