Sunday, October 25, 2009

We met Allison!

Just a few hours ago we received Allison!  It was a whirlwind affair.  She cried for about 2 hours - it was really heartbreaking.  She's really quite small, she's wearing 12 month clothing.  She is so cute!  After a few tries, we found some food that she liked and then the crying stopped and then she went down for a nap.  She is awake now, so I'll post more later.


  1. Congratulations on your new daughter!
    Poor little girl , she is no doubt very confused and bewildered right now. Time and patience will cure that, but you know that already.
    Take care

  2. I am following your journey through RQ!!! Congratulations, can't wait to see pictures!!!
    Kathie in NY
